Agile Software Development: What is it and Why is it Important?
03 April 2023 - 7 min readTraditional software development methods are becoming less useful in today's rapidly changing business world where customer demands and business requirements change quickly. Therefore, the Agile software development approach emerged, providing a flexible, fast, and customer-focused software development process.
Agile software development is an iterative and flexible software development approach that focuses on collaborative and compatible processes to provide value to customers. This approach emphasizes working with small teams, breaking work into manageable pieces, and delivering working software to customers continuously. In this blog post, we will explore what Agile software development is and why it is important.
What is Agile Software Development?
Agile software development is a methodology created to increase software development efficiency and effectiveness. The Agile approach was created based on the principles in the Agile Manifesto, which was written in 2001 when software developers wanted to create a better software development method. The Agile Manifesto emphasizes customer satisfaction, collaboration, and flexibility and is designed to help teams deliver working software faster and more efficiently.
Agile software development involves working with short development cycles called sprints to deliver small pieces of working software. The Agile approach also emphasizes collaboration between team members and customers and feedback mechanisms such as regular meetings and feedback sessions. Agile software development aims to adapt to customer needs and market conditions while providing flexibility.
Why is Agile Software Development Important?
The Agile software development process is based on a set of specific practices and principles. These principles make the software development process customer-focused by dividing it into small, functional, and testable sections that respond to customer requests. Agile software development principles allow for better management of the software development process and enable software to be shaped according to customer requirements. The principles applied in the Agile software development process are as follows:
Customer satisfaction :
The fundamental principle of the Agile approach is to prioritize customer satisfaction. This ensures that customer requests and requirements are addressed as a priority and that software is shaped according to customer needs.
Flexibility to change :
The Agile software development process is highly useful for companies operating in a changing business environment. Therefore, the Agile approach offers a flexible process to respond quickly to changing customer requests.
Frequent and regular deliveries :
The Agile software development process allows for functional and testable products to be obtained in each step by breaking the process into continually repeating small sections. This makes frequent and regular deliveries possible and ensures that customer feedback is received in the early stages.
Collaboration and communication :
Agile software development emphasizes collaboration between team members and customers, regular meetings, and feedback sessions to ensure that the software development process is customer-focused and meets customer requirements.
Agile Teams :
In agile software development, creating motivated and self-confident teams is important. This contributes to a more efficient and effective software development process.

Another important advantage of agile software development is that customers can play a more active role in the software development process. By sharing their opinions and feedback at every stage of the software development process, customers can help shape the software to meet their needs. This increases customer satisfaction and allows for better software production.
Agile software development can also help organizations respond more quickly and effectively to changes in customer needs and market conditions. The agile approach emphasizes collaboration and flexibility, which helps teams adapt to changing requirements and priorities. This can help organizations stay ahead of their competitors and provide better products and services to their customers.
The agile approach also makes the software development process more efficient. By breaking down the work into manageable chunks, setting specific goals for each sprint, and increasing communication between team members through regular meetings and feedback sessions, the software development process becomes more organized. This can help reduce potential errors and misunderstandings in the process and make project management easier.
The agile approach can also help teams become more motivated and productive. By achieving smaller and more manageable goals through sprints, teams can see their successes more clearly. Additionally, by receiving regular feedback from customers and other team members, they can continually improve themselves and their products. This can help teams become more motivated and work more efficiently.

The agile software development process can be supported by many different methods and tools. These include Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and Extreme Programming (XP), among others. Each of these methods applies the agile approach in a different way. For example, Scrum uses short development cycles called sprints that are planned at frequent intervals to ensure continuous product delivery. Kanban, on the other hand, allows for the tracking of product development on a Kanban board.
In conclusion, agile software development offers great potential for organizations to provide better service to their customers and make the software development process more efficient. Especially in today's rapidly changing business environment, companies need to be able to respond quickly to changing customer needs and continuously improve their products. Therefore, the agile software development process enables companies to increase customer satisfaction, conduct a more efficient software development process, and gain a competitive advantage.